Equine Assisted Personal growth
and coaching
Horses are natural guides and facilitators in the work of empowering humans to unleash their true potential. Equine Assisted Learning opens an innovative pathway to create personal healing, growth and authentic transformation.
Horses are innate teachers in the art of living authentically and powerfully with purpose. Horses use their entire body and all their six senses to interpret their environment. They live in the present moment with full awareness and respond honestly in the moment. They are highly sensitive to body language and rely on their innate instincts. Humans can tap into and develop these tools of awareness, connection, authenticity, self-confidence, intuition, leadership and empowerment.
So many of us are holding back as trail blazers and leaders in our own lives and in our work. We have been conditioned to measure our success in ways that do not necessarily feed our soul or fire up our spirit. This social conditioning has many of us living through habits of ignoring our creative spirit, disconnecting from our inner self and others, abusing our bodies and burying our emotions, even with subtle or well-dressed “masks”, this way of being is eating us up from the inside out.
It seems, we have been conditioned to see ourselves as separate from each other and nature, to see life and nature as the story of survival of the fittest, to value only what will serve us personally, right now. This story may have served once, but now it is damaging to ourselves and our communities, not to mention our planet. It is time for a new story to emerge, so shall we commune together on a mission to create deeper connection, innovative solutions and authentic well-being?
We all desire to be in deep relationship with our inner self, unique gifts & talents and to share them in service and create heartfelt success. Living in this way gives us purpose, builds community and feeds our soul. We’re here to help you lean into this desire and bring it to life by all you say, think and do.
The Epona Guide herd is a special group of horses and humans who create the space to awaken your inner self and superpowers to create connection and co-creation within every area of life and work. It’s a space of experiential discovery and exploration. It’s an offering of coaching and development for your authentic self and consensual leadership. It’s a practical experience of coming to see yourself and the world in new ways that shift the way you hold the past and the present and the way you move into the future.
Illuminate your authentic self and tune into your inner guidance to find connected and inspired ways to share your gifts and talents with Life!
GRAB the Reins
Epona Guide Experience & Retreats - Register on our Experience & Retreats page
Private Team Building & Coaching - Schedule a Clarity Call to Discuss the Dynamics & Specifics
Private Individual Coaching Sessions - Schedule a Clarity Call to Discuss the best Strategy & Logistics
Connect with us on our Contact Page for further questions or inquires. We look forward hearing from you!